Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Poster Of Shiny Pokemon

Anndaylive - News from the chamber

My 3rd Working day began with the "Clean Feel" to the service center of the chamber. I left my department to the Chamber as a body generally know better. So slowly I meet with one or another colleague, or one or another colleague to talk and have therefore decided little insight into my professional life to give and to post it. I call it News from the chamber and I hope you like it and you have Happy reading. So here Episode 1:

questions the official version Begrüpungstreffen with BigBoss and the new staff colleague Fibu:
And how was the meeting with Mr. S.?
I: He says he has a dog.
Fibu: * laughs * Wow, then he has RICHITGE tells what ...
I : He said that he einschleimt with food in the order he is also loved ...
Fibu: * * rolling eyes, he has also said how long he already has the?
Me: * laughing * for 2 years ...


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