Mr. Stern has moved out. Saturday he packed up his things and drove to a friend in Berlin. First, for a few days, but he's not coming back ... a whole month.
we will then decide whether and how to continue.
first it was ok for me, it was my idea and I wanted.
My feelings for him just felt only friendship ... Now, after 2 days I miss him already. The question is, what I miss and how ... I miss the great conversations that Beisammesein everything .... to parts I miss him as a friend ... I miss no kisses, no hugs, nothing that I could not give a girlfriend.
I'm a bit desperate and do not know what to do with my feelings and thoughts in these hours. From one moment to another I get a lump in my throat and could cry out in pain, but I do not do it ... From one to the other second I think .. it's ok Sun Besinne up on yourself and find a way back to you. Take your time to you really be clear. It helps neither you nor Mr. Stern if you do not win final clarity. But clarity to get into feelings seems to me There is currently an impossible task to be ....
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