Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Much Will A Simple Quincinera Will Cost

Anndaylive - excitement of the day

Finally, finally I got a new job and can my library finally being caught on the nail ... I'll tell you who work in public institutions is very very funny, scary and shocking ... usually in the same order. Who plays in the free economy at home was and how I need a little bit of stress to work should never never never go to a public institution. You're bored just laughs at the Wehwechen of colleagues and whoosh trapped in abusive structures and dusty work plans.
I have since the beginning of the year now has a new job, my contract in the library but runs until the end of the month, it was of course not so easy to coordinate both jobs. I did my supervisor immediately set naturally by mail in regard to the new situation. Then I sent her an email with my new potential working hours and a few organizational want to clarify things .... no answer .... no read receipt ....
contacted me a few days later a colleague, if we could exchange our classes and giving me warmly congratulated on my new job ....


can not be true, the whole library knows already, although I do not even any got response .... * * This is a sequel kopfschüttel have ....


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