concrete protection
repairshould be sealed For example, balconies and terraces ideal and repair it to begin with a shrink-free, fast-curing universal mortar. This also functions as a bonding agent and as a corrosion protection and for filling and leveling. Then, a concrete filler can be used (water-resistant and stress-free) and be a primer. Thereafter, the side edges are sealed with an elastic joint tape, and then a floor leveling compound, which is pressure and wear, apply.
to redevelop the inner and outer walls or -Soils of different restoration plasters are used as diffusion-open floor cleaning, spray cleaning to improve adhesion on very wet surfaces, water-repellent, vapor permeable, fast-curing Restoration, moisture-resistant self-leveling compound, Mortar as barrier protection and to seal flashings, concrete filler to repeated balancing and smoothing the surfaces. Bausanierung
under tile and in the wet room area should definitely be sealed well, since the joint material is not accessible to water and also the background changing temperatures is exposed -. For this purpose, a system was developed, which is absolutely waterproof, crack bridging, odorless, easy to apply also for repairs, well subsoil is adhesively. This system includes, among others priming, seals, sealing tape and corner-, solvent-free, spreadable seal foil, flexible adhesive. anti-mold remediation
Moisture ingress can be caused mold, which penetrates into the air. Therefore, an anti-mold system was developed on a physical basis without poisons but with permanent protection. Here's a primer is applied, then applied a special plaster and with a breathable silicone paint on the beads off the water, rolled over. to handle masonry reconstruction
as in the inner and outer seal.
chimney restoration
here is given to a deep foundation, the chimney sooting avoids permanent. It is resistant to moisture and is acting vapor. After about 15-20 minutes may be plastered with Restoration.
Facade Cream
The outer walls can be further protected with a facade cream. After applying a primer, the solvent-free, water-repellent, permeable, frost resistant facade cream is applied. You can on brick, plaster, brick, etc. applied and provides protection against severe weather conditions of any Article
Construction Resin
epoxy resin and injection
These different resins are used for different applications. They are used for sealing, the primer as an undercoat, a restoration mortar, the veil and surface injection, as injection foam to crack closure during movement, as crack sealing even in water-bearing cracks when casting into cavities.
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