Monday, June 28, 2010

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Dr. Chistian Wulff at KOSTER in Aurich - building materials plus was there

the occasion of the visit, work on 24.06. 2010 by Minister President Christian Wulff, the new protection was KÖSTER acid - a program through KÖSTER management presented. Applications: Radiator Covers and vessel restoration, biogas plants, silos, Klärwerksbau, shaft rehabilitation, chemical industry, salt storage, concrete / corrosion protection, rehabilitation of wastewater structures, etc. combined

The application of new acid protection products efficiently the areas sealing, concrete protection and concrete repair.

power plants, water treatment plants, agricultural buildings and acid tanks can be protected so effectively against acid attacks. Drainage and sewerage - shafts, to floors, streets and building facades will receive the new product line effective protection against acid exposure.

Construction P lus invited to present some business partners and customers, including the sealers from Northeim, the sealers from Hahausen and DAK Construction out of Hannover Burgdorf to find the new product line is also the Prime Minister during the visit and presentation experience live to allowed.

Innovative System building materials for new construction and renovation of the house of KOSTER ensure your competitiveness. For several years, building materials P lus presented as your personal contact for technical advice and construction supplies and related services.

(Photo: Executive Koester with HW.Renneberg (2nd from left) and "The sealers' Northeim)

also allows you to benefit its customers through new innovations KÖSTER
the best price -/Leistungsverhältnis the industry!

you ask for more information!

Delivery: about 24/48 hours directly to your warehouse or construction site

KÖSTER plant sale:
materials P lus
H.-W. Renneberg (Technical advice, products and service)
factory sale and wholesale for the civil engineering
- since 1999 Depot resin -
Lower Harzstr. 15b 37 539
Windhausen / resin
; ;
Tel.05327/84971 Fax 05327/84973

Sunday, June 27, 2010

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a hard day to end

18:00 clock relaxing walk along the banks of the Rhine. Quick Dinner at Vapiano on the Kaiser Strasse. Evening walk along the Rhine. And then - need more sleep ... at the Airport Sheraton DUS.

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Ready for Take-off: On the Order to Dusseldorf

Wake: 4:00 clock in the morning. Flight STR-DUS 8:00 clock. Arrival Dusseldorf 9:00 clock, the sun shining. The hair is.

Station 1: Just Cavalli showroom Dusseldorf

Station 2: Vivienne Westwood Showroom Dusseldorf

Station 3: Jean Paul Gaultier showroom Dusseldorf

Hor Dourves For January

Mark your calendar: Upper West Side Stuttgart - Opening 01 September 2010

It's finally happening. The leases for our new store in Stuttgart-West have been signed. As of July 2010, we bring out the sledgehammer and start working. Large reconstruction of the existing antique store into a fashion store. There is much to do - we'll keep you posted ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Tile Laying - products processing, building materials plus offers

tile adhesive
High quality flexible adhesive, white / Gray - EU standard

Various adhesives available from us

cement glue
This is a 2-comp. Tile adhesive, which is characterized by high resistance and is spreadable.
It can be used as a floating bed - Even under difficult conditions.

flexible adhesive (mineral based)
This adhesive is 1 - and mehrkomp, fiber-reinforced, flexible, guaranteed fast setting for large formats, has good and long open time, is spreadable and is also suitable for underfloor heating.. For inside and outside.

dispersion adhesive
(plastic based) This adhesive is no primer required, the surface must be dust-free, ready

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He serves as a binder for quick-drying and curing screed as preparation, is ready for heavy use by persons and vehicles for outdoor

balancing mass
This mortar ensures rapid setting and hardening, is fiber-reinforced, moisture content is ≤ 2% in only 24 or 72 hours, suitable for higher load, thickness from 0-15mm or from 3 - 30mm, only for indoor

  1. This primer is suitable for porous surfaces, they have strengthened dusty surfaces, suitable for plaster, wood, cement, plaster, screed
  2. This primer is for non-absorbent and painted surfaces, to smooth self-leveling cement compounds, for inside
  3. for epoxy resin shrinkage cracks, it is 2-comp., pourable, for all surfaces in the building, interior and exterior

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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All in one Hand

  • repair and waterproofing systems
  • Specialties Building Protection
  • injection encapsulation systems and processing
  • road and engineering construction
  • adhesives and sealants
  • Baustofftechnik
  • Special Products for the tile expert
  • Access technology / Security
  • personal security systems, ladders

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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sealing systems

seal (Horizontal and vertical)

outer sealing
The destroyed by salt water and walls will be sealed from the outside. eg by application of thick coatings, waterproofing on mineral or synthetic base, asphalt, seal or drainage lines. Man
the basement walls but may also seal off an area by injection (up to 90% moisture in the walls) from the inside. Then plastered with Restoration.

The basement waterproofing you work with sludge or membranes. Even for pressing or not pressing water at ground level and even to water intrusion from the outside wall in the area there is an optimal method. Here we are working with a pressure-waterproof, mineral sealing mortar, mortar with locking (for repairs), bitumen coating and primer and with film. These products can be mixed with liquid plastic to the water consumption is reduced and is waterproof after curing.
Special use of sealing pastes, joint grout, and sealants and for pressurized water.

be used where the same products as in the inner and outer seal. You can also install another drain, then apply a fill or sealing strips.

Since the roof of extreme temperature and weather conditions is exposed, can damage the sealing of cracks and stresses. Therefore our products are UV resistant and have a great elasticity. Here's a primer is required before an area with a cold-seal adhesive bitumen / plastic geomembrane takes place.

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special building materials concrete protection

concrete protection I
(in severe chemical attack)
In digesters for biogas plants in digesters of sewage treatment plants and drainage systems, etc. are emerging over the years, serious damage caused by fermentation processes floors to the walls and concrete. to stabilize

To the strength of concrete from the inside or restore a particular concrete protection system was developed -. First, the damaged area may also be primed with a barrier layer of mortar covered. Then the deployment follows with a special mineral surface sealant to the pressure-water-resistant surface seal, worked with great care must be to avoid cracks and flaws. Thereafter, a thin surface coating on silicate / polymer base is sprayed on, which to penetrate deep to 2 cm in the concrete and reduces the pore formation. From the outside
the concrete facade with a cream or with a powdered mineral color, the water vapor permeable and protected algae, mold and fungus resistant acts. Alternatively, you could also use thick bitumen coating or a highly elastic Sealing material (rubber / bitumen) apply.

concrete protection II (in low chemical attack)
Similarly produced in compost, silage flat silos, stables, etc. in Kotflächen wear in the concrete. Here, too, steaming open products like concrete protection I used. The primer and sealing surface is adapted to the severity of the damage and is always open for new coat with other vapor coatings. In low damage in the concrete strength can even be reactivated again. Here, the same products as I used concrete protection.

concrete / oil protection

In machinery spaces, Hoftankstellen, garages, etc., the concrete with oil, fuel, lubricants, deicing salt, and more severely affected. These areas should also be more slippery. Here is a primer first with a thin, liquid concentrate Polymer-/Silikatbasis. It reduces the pore volume and the penetration of oils, fats and water in the concrete. Then you can continue working with mineral materials.

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renovation, waterproofing and building material

concrete protection

should be sealed For example, balconies and terraces ideal and repair it to begin with a shrink-free, fast-curing universal mortar. This also functions as a bonding agent and as a corrosion protection and for filling and leveling. Then, a concrete filler can be used (water-resistant and stress-free) and be a primer. Thereafter, the side edges are sealed with an elastic joint tape, and then a floor leveling compound, which is pressure and wear, apply.

to redevelop the inner and outer walls or -Soils of different restoration plasters are used as diffusion-open floor cleaning, spray cleaning to improve adhesion on very wet surfaces, water-repellent, vapor permeable, fast-curing Restoration, moisture-resistant self-leveling compound, Mortar as barrier protection and to seal flashings, concrete filler to repeated balancing and smoothing the surfaces.


under tile and in the wet room area should definitely be sealed well, since the joint material is not accessible to water and also the background changing temperatures is exposed -. For this purpose, a system was developed, which is absolutely waterproof, crack bridging, odorless, easy to apply also for repairs, well subsoil is adhesively. This system includes, among others priming, seals, sealing tape and corner-, solvent-free, spreadable seal foil, flexible adhesive.

anti-mold remediation
Moisture ingress can be caused mold, which penetrates into the air. Therefore, an anti-mold system was developed on a physical basis without poisons but with permanent protection. Here's a primer is applied, then applied a special plaster and with a breathable silicone paint on the beads off the water, rolled over. to handle

masonry reconstruction
as in the inner and outer seal.

chimney restoration
here is given to a deep foundation, the chimney sooting avoids permanent. It is resistant to moisture and is acting vapor. After about 15-20 minutes may be plastered with Restoration.

Facade Cream
The outer walls can be further protected with a facade cream. After applying a primer, the solvent-free, water-repellent, permeable, frost resistant facade cream is applied. You can on brick, plaster, brick, etc. applied and provides protection against severe weather conditions of any Article

Construction Resin

epoxy resin and injection
These different resins are used for different applications. They are used for sealing, the primer as an undercoat, a restoration mortar, the veil and surface injection, as injection foam to crack closure during movement, as crack sealing even in water-bearing cracks when casting into cavities.

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lay tiles - Products

Bplus products for tile adhesive tile

cement glue The adhesive is 2-comp., Has a high resistance, trowel can be used as a fluidized bed under difficult circumstances.
flexible adhesive (mineral based), this adhesive is 1 -. And mehrkomp, fiber-reinforced, flexible, guaranteed fast setting for large formats, has good and long open time, is spreadable and is also suitable for underfloor heating. For inside and outside.
dispersion adhesive (plastic based) When the glue no primer required, the surface must be dust-free, ready

Please note our economy package for tile technology>> prices


mortar It serves as a binder for quick-drying and curing screed as preparation, is ready for heavy use by persons and vehicles, for exterior
-leveling mortar This ensures rapid setting and hardening, is fiber-reinforced, moisture content is ≤ 2% in only 24 or 72 hours, suitable for higher load, film thickness from 0-15mm and from 3 - 30mm , for indoor use only
  1. This primer is suitable for porous surfaces, they have strengthened dusty surfaces, suitable for plaster, wood, cement, plaster, screed
  2. This primer suitable for non-absorbent and painted surfaces, for smoothing selbstnivelliernden leveling compounds, for inside
  3. epoxy resin for shrinkage cracks, it is 2-comp., pourable, for all surfaces in the building, interior and exterior


Grout (on cement-based) The mortar is elastic, has special additives, suitable for floor heating, pools, terraces, high-traffic locations on old floors
Grout flex (on cement-based) The mortar is flexible, for ceramic tiles each, mainly for public institutions
Grout (epoxy-based) The mortar is 2-comp. very well suited for high stress such as work surfaces for kitchens, hospitals, etc.


Dichtschlämme These sludges provides protection and complete sealing , is waterproof, very suitable for the lining of bearing walls, foundations, existing ceramic flooring for bathrooms, showers, balconies, for repairs, offers protection from water, frost, salt, etc.
sealing film It is a thixotropic sealant has a soft consistency, is drying out after a resilient water-impermeable layer, on plaster, drywall, plaster and wood panels are plotted (after priming).
fiberglass It serves as a gain function for sealants and to smooth the balancing masses in adverse conditions.
Dichtungs-/Dichtungsklebeband It serves to connect the vertical and horizontal joints. \u0026lt;

special and additional products

corrosion protection
plastic dispersion
polyurethane foam
expansion joints / spacer all accessories for the tile installation