the occasion of the visit, work on 24.06. 2010 by Minister President Christian Wulff, the new protection was KÖSTER acid - a program through KÖSTER management presented. Applications: Radiator Covers and vessel restoration, biogas plants, silos, Klärwerksbau, shaft rehabilitation, chemical industry, salt storage, concrete / corrosion protection, rehabilitation of wastewater structures, etc. combined
The application of new acid protection products efficiently the areas sealing, concrete protection and concrete repair.
power plants, water treatment plants, agricultural buildings and acid tanks can be protected so effectively against acid attacks. Drainage and sewerage - shafts, to floors, streets and building facades will receive the new product line effective protection against acid exposure.
Construction P lus invited to present some business partners and customers, including the sealers from Northeim, the sealers from Hahausen and DAK Construction out of Hannover Burgdorf to find the new product line is also the Prime Minister during the visit and presentation experience live to allowed.
Innovative System building materials for new construction and renovation of the house of KOSTER ensure your competitiveness. For several years, building materials P lus presented as your personal contact for technical advice and construction supplies and related services.
(Photo: Executive Koester with HW.Renneberg (2nd from left) and "The sealers' Northeim)
also allows you to benefit its customers through new innovations KÖSTER
the best price -/Leistungsverhältnis the industry!
you ask for more information!
Delivery: about 24/48 hours directly to your warehouse or construction site
KÖSTER plant sale:
materials P lus
H.-W. Renneberg (Technical advice, products and service)
KÖSTER plant sale:
materials P lus
H.-W. Renneberg (Technical advice, products and service)
factory sale and wholesale for the civil engineering
- since 1999 Depot resin -
Lower Harzstr. 15b 37 539
Windhausen / resin
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Tel.05327/84971 Fax 05327/84973
Lower Harzstr. 15b 37 539
Windhausen / resin
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Tel.05327/84971 Fax 05327/84973