Monday, December 20, 2010

Sulfite Allergy Symptoms

Volker Kroening is Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of Morocco and disappointed his comrades Bremer, had to be?

Volker Kroening Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of Morocco.
Bremer companion and comrades are deeply disappointed.
volunteering for Kröning.Annexion and resistance in the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
many wonder, which was necessary before yesterday Polisario, Morocco today and tomorrow, Emperor of China?
Kroening says of himself:
"I regard myself as rational pessimists and optimists an emotional, from which eventually became a realist is."
The viewer has the impression that here is someone the shirt closer than the pants?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Does Microwave Need Waveguide Cover

policy and transparency - citizens are not involved much remains in the dark and secret?

policy and transparency
defends policy all means their claim to power, transparency is not allowed, even a hindrance.
transparency, control, control of policy, the authorities, the administration and the state.
control of the state is a "democratic right" that we need to demand citizens.
But nothing comes from nothing, especially not in politics.
Therefore, "we publish in doubt!

"The more transparent the state, is more uninteresting Wikileaks"

In Germany you can corrupt MPs completely legal. The existing control mechanisms are insufficient. And laws against the policy itself will not soon decide. hope remained that seriously, at least the media their educational function.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Can I Improve The Q A Department

Bremen-Nord € 370,000 for 17-meter-long tunnel that was yesterday-today € 500,000 pre-construction-35% increase in costs for whom? Christmas gifts?

are € 370,000 for a proposed pedestrian tunnel in Vegesack a useful output? Or waste of money? This question is precisely the policy Bremer, right up to Regierungskreise.Aber that's water under the bridge. Today, the Tunnel already cost € 500,000 and tomorrow? The end of the story is still a long way!
politicians and citizens will be conducted again deceived and had construction costs are fixed until the unnecessary tunnel at some point has done it!
registry office says hello!

More ...

Thoughts At A Congratulatory Speech

"Collateral Murder" video by Wikileaks ... (German) in a report by the ...

More WikiLeaks

How Does Dahvie Vanity Do His Hair?

Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq

WikiLeaks More ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Painting Lime Green Walls

Blumenthaler The Advisory Board Senator calls on the Environment, to provide information on all current emission levels of current coal-fired power plant Farge

request of the Advisory Board to Blumenthal emissions from coal-fired power plant


How to read a few days in the newspaper was intended, according to the Senator for Environment, Construction, Transport and Europe pose any health risk to the ash disposal site of the power plant Farge and assumed to be. There are, however, entirely different issues.

So the power plant in

blown 2001 included 62,800 kg fine dust in the air

and in

2004 even 69,700 kg particulate matter in Bremen-Farge,

from coal-fired power plant released!

Further emissions of coal-fired power plant in Bremen-Farge:

As (arsenic) and compounds
36.8 kg / 2001
33.2 kg / 2004

chlorine and inorganic chlorine compounds
29 400.0 kg / 2001
26 500.0 kg / 2004

Fluorine and inorganic fluorine compounds
7 050.0 kg / 2001
6 340.0 kg / 2004

Hg (mercury) and compounds
78.6 kg / 2001
70.6 kg / 2004

NOx (nitrogen oxides)
1070 000.0 kg / 2001
956 000.0 kg / 2004

PM10 particulate matter (<>

Source: European Pollutant Emission Register EPER (EPA) in the. 2008 will be given no more at a time of particulate matter:

(Source: German Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers / EPA)

annual releases
pollutant designation

1.69 billion kg annual load
carbon dioxide (CO2)
100 000 000 kg / year threshold

851,000 kg annual load
carbon monoxide (CO)
500,000 kg / year threshold

541,000 kg annual load
nitrogen oxides (NOx/NO2)
100.000 kg / year threshold

476,000 kg annual load
sulfur oxides (SOx/SO2)
150,000 kg / year threshold

217,000 kg annual load
nitrous oxide (N2O)
10,000 kg / year threshold

152,000 kg annual load
methane (CH4)
100.000 kg / year threshold

39,600 kg annual load
inorganic compounds of chlorine as HCl
10,000 kg / year threshold

12,400 kg annual load
ammonia (NH3)
10,000 kg / years

115 kg annual load
mercury and compounds (as Hg)
10 kg per year threshold

62.7 kg annual load
Nickel and compounds (as Ni)
50 kg / year threshold

36.3 kg annual load
arsenic and compounds (as As)
20 kg / year threshold

is also excluded from these data, the radioactivity from coal.

In almost all areas exceeded thresholds , so these were reportable values.

Blumenthaler The Board calls on the

Senator for Construction, Environment, Transport and Europe,

current information on all current emission levels (including PM 10 / 2,5) of power plant Farge ,

overruns to give of thresholds and limits

in the last ten years, and in particular, on the level of

radioactivity in both the input

and in all main products.

More ...

Odyssey Front Plate Munt

THE BREMEN TOWN CLERK: Good night Bremen, good night, democracy! Bremer ...

THE BREMEN TOWN CLERK: Good night Bremen, good night to democracy! Bremer ... "Bremer opposition creates're in Bremen Red / Green is no alternative and continues as before the policy will, of Be ...?."
Bremer opposition creates from now?
In Bremen is red / green with no alternative, and continues as before.
politics of pleasure, the feelings, interests, lobbyists.
A single clique, now CDU, SPD and the day after tomorrow? Good night
Bremen, good night, democracy!
lobbyists and "right wing" look forward together to a "good time" in Bremen?

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THE BREMEN TOWN CLERK: Bremer mismanagement - the shortage will be managed ...?

THE BREMEN TOWN CLERK: Bremer mismanagement - the shortage will be managed ...?

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THE BREMEN TOWN CLERK: lobbyists and Bremen: "Hoteliers, pharma ...

THE BREMEN TOWN CLERK: lobbyists also in Bremen: "Hoteliers, pharma ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Bremen-Nord, Farge ash landfill at the power plant landfill will be closed formally by the Recycling and Waste Management Act

We have citizens in Bremen with a petition to the ash landfill at the coal-fired power plant in Farge competent senator for the Greens, Loske forced to act!
Bremen-Nord, Farge ash landfill at the power plant, landfill is in accordance with the Recycling and Waste Management Act be formally closed down?
In preparation activities are carried out extensive studies on soil and ground water protection, because the authority little is known about the behavior of landfill and landfill construction is? The landfill was established in 1970 without a permit outside the front door of the coal power plant eingerichtet.Jeder Bremer citizen who buries his waste in his own front door, is because of unauthorized waste disposal justly accused and certainly condemns hard. The industry can expect in Bremen with an indulgent behavior by the authorities, since before the law all are equal?

Odyssey Front Plate Mount

You, too, a terrorist tell the truth remains vigilant?? !

The concept of terrorism is itself controversial in research and political practice.
We have reason to regret that we have a legal concept of terrorism was ever imposed. The term is imprecise, it is ambiguous, and, above all, it serves no important legal purpose.
exists So for almost every other state Definition of terrorism;
a violent method is seen as a terror when it is applied by a State, which is also called state terrorism.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Bremen will keep dial-O-Mat and I want to website in the 2011 state election redeploy!

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"Bremen-Nord. At the hospital north there is a suspected case of Abrechnungsbetrug.Klinikum separates from head doctor?

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