Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can A Deep Freeze Be Put In A Closet

lawns sown more scrims

The lawns around the church are now sown and for the next three months likely shut off to allow the unimpeded growth of the newly sown grass. Here the picture shows a view from the cemetery entrance to the front to Gollmerstraße. Directly at the house of the dead an area still visible running as gravel and grass to make it members at the beginning of the burials also to allow the damp weather to be quite dry. On the bell is now seen to place the finished base for the bomb bell, also a socket for the Eisenhartgußglocke is nearing completion. In front of the chestnut three parking spaces are also designed as gravel. This has the advantage that can be removed easily here with high probability of occurring unevenness through the tree roots, as is for a version with pavement or grass pavers and still not the parking space under the tree lost. The rest of the field and place the bell, however, are not created as a parking lot. The lawn in front of the Municipal House is newly sown and allowed for the time being not be entered.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good Day By Ron Pope Piano Sheet Music


The nest of our steeple Dohlen is completed for several days to the expected five eggs, unfortunately, are swayed by the view into the nest box, only four pictures of it. Around the tower you see now is not only a jackdaw pair (left over each other in life-long monogamy), but at least three jackdaws. At the bell tower or in the branches of the anterior chestnut can be easily observed the jackdaws.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Green Mucous Coming Out Of Eyes

monument base grew in the making

The bases for The two bells monuments are now emerging. In the tradition of old masonry stone base grow by brick, layer by layer to put it shortly, the two memorial bells in the right light. The bells at the same time receive the finishing touch and a protective coating. In the middle of the base you can already see the rods, which are then used as a protection against "unauthorized removal" of the bells.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mineral Makep To Cover Hyperpigmentation

jackdaw eggs

Here's a look at the jackdaw's nest in the nest box. So far, three eggs are in the nest. Usually there is a clutch of four to five eggs. The incubation period is about two and a half weeks, after about four to five Weeks, the young birds will fledge. The bells are in the immediate vicinity of the nest box the birds seem to identify anything.