Tuesday, October 14, 2008

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The organ in the church

The color recast historical Walcker organ now fits again as originally intended harmoniously with the church.

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Wurmberger organ shines released in a new light

The organ of the worm Berger Peter's Church, richly this week in a new light. This historic instrument built in 1849 by the famous organ builder Eberhard Friedrich Walcker, was with a previous been restored in the taste of that time painted over light gray. As was the interior of the worm Berger worship now as part of the refurbishment a new color design, the time had come to the organ re-adapt to the original color state. This followed the survey findings of the original color by a restorer, who has now performed the color recast. Here, the body was covered in a bright, warm Eichenton with a wood grain, which, as it was in the 19th Century became common, applied with a beer color. As in the original condition of individual items are dropped off in color. A discreet gold plating on the upper end of the organ completes the Overall appearance voices from.

To preserve and promote these valuable historic organ and other organs in the Protestant churches in Wurmberg Neubärental and in September the "Friends of organ Wurmberg Neubärental-founded, taken over the chairmanship of the worm's mayor Helmut Sick Müller. Through donations and membership fees should above all the periodic cleansing of the organs are possible. Membership applications are Wurmberger Come-In Center and at the Evang. Parish Wurmberg available.

Friday, June 20, 2008

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The lawns around the church are a first time been mowed and are now released again. The remaining brown spots will grow over the next time. It is important however, that the lawns and the bells are not designed navigable space. For parking, there is enough space on the enclosed gravel area in front of the chestnut, the Gollmerstraße and in the cemetery car park at the Reutstraße.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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Dohlen fledged

This is the last picture of three young crows in the nest box, created on 31/05/2008. The young birds were observed on 07.06.2008 the last time in the nest box. Meanwhile The three young jackdaws no longer in the nest, but have their first flight attempts. By other way out of the box in the bell chamber to come out even, as in the air. Finally, the three young birds were fluttering in the box already wildly back and forth, now the box is empty again. After last year, pigeons and crows this year were in the box, we have the hope next year maybe the nest kestrels and other raptors on the tower of St. Peter Church.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

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bell place largely completed

The bells place is now largely complete, only small things are done, then the place is officially inaugurated.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

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bomb Bell on the crane hovers

The bomb bell floats slowly and with peaceful intentions on their base. This "bell" in 1946 by Karl Berger worm Friesinger made of an air mine duds. A total of two such Notglocken did from 1946-53 service on the tower of the worm Berger Peter Church. Now find more than 60 years after their creation either of a new position in the new bell square in front of St. Peter Church.

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addition to the gripping hands of the bell, it also needs the man with a glance the levers of the crane.

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prayer bell from 1922 is completed at a new place

The prayer bell from 1922 (from low-grade iron cast iron), which had to be replaced in 2007, applies to the newly completed base their new place.

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First, the base is completed, the cover plate is placed precisely and jointed.

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bells will soon be delivered

The revised bells (iron cast iron bell and bomb) are delivered.

Monday, May 26, 2008

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jackdaws jackdaw young fledge

Now it can only be a few days to act than a good week, until the young fledge jackdaws. Meanwhile, the young birds also differ on whether their parents are, or whether a race by looking in the nest box. Rather than tear open beaks, the birds now press anxious to meet. Therefore, the "photo opportunities" now became a little less frequently.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

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eats and sleeps

two main activities, the three no longer so small Dohlen currently above all: Eating and sleeping. The growth steps are also a few days to see more clearly, so now the deep black color of the feathers can be seen all right.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

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three remaining young jackdaws are developing well.

are now unfortunately only three young crows in the nest box. When was the last visit and the last images already signed off by the three birds are stronger, healthier and more assertive than her little brother or sister, the now no longer there. The remaining baby birds are growing, they are growing rapidly have first feathers and eyes are now open on fast.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

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hungry young jackdaw jackdaws

The newly hatched crows in the nest box do on the church tower in this picture from last night what is expected of newborn birds: you lock the slightest sound hungry on the beak and beeping furiously! Meanwhile, at least four hatched and the jackdaw jackdaws will employ more advanced well to to feed their brood.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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least two jackdaws have now hatched and make a thin, high beep attention. Really well, they can be photographed but not yet. The nesting box is then padded as a 'nursery' very good and soft. In about a month the young birds will already be fully fledged.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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lawns sown more scrims

The lawns around the church are now sown and for the next three months likely shut off to allow the unimpeded growth of the newly sown grass. Here the picture shows a view from the cemetery entrance to the front to Gollmerstraße. Directly at the house of the dead an area still visible running as gravel and grass to make it members at the beginning of the burials also to allow the damp weather to be quite dry. On the bell is now seen to place the finished base for the bomb bell, also a socket for the Eisenhartgußglocke is nearing completion. In front of the chestnut three parking spaces are also designed as gravel. This has the advantage that can be removed easily here with high probability of occurring unevenness through the tree roots, as is for a version with pavement or grass pavers and still not the parking space under the tree lost. The rest of the field and place the bell, however, are not created as a parking lot. The lawn in front of the Municipal House is newly sown and allowed for the time being not be entered.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

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The nest of our steeple Dohlen is completed for several days to the expected five eggs, unfortunately, are swayed by the view into the nest box, only four pictures of it. Around the tower you see now is not only a jackdaw pair (left over each other in life-long monogamy), but at least three jackdaws. At the bell tower or in the branches of the anterior chestnut can be easily observed the jackdaws.